13'3" monster.

On the Table and ready for processing.

800lb 13' Gator caught in 09'

The daily catch always ranges in quantity and size.

Louisiana Lizards are our specialty. Book your hunt today!

Stacey testing the theory "Never Kiss an Alligator on the Lips!"

Al and Al-e-gator

Xaiver and a few Louisiana Lizards. Smile.

My what a pretty mouth you have.

Laid out for viewing.

Ready for processing.

Gator Hide up close and personal.

Smile for the camera!

12'3". Nuff said.

Miss you Uncle Charlie

Thumbs up little buddy on a good day.

Dave from San Antonio

Ken losing a hand

Jason Seither of Seither's Seafood!


Straight from Denver, Co.
Chris: 985-790-4433
Book Today!
2025 SEASON IS BETWEEN AUGUST 28 AND OCTOBER 6 Taking reservations NOW.(dates are determined by our hunting days)

JOIN US ON FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Houma-LA/Alligator-Hunt-La/114837258539651
You can also follow "AlligatorHuntLa" on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/alligatorhuntla/